Logos are all around us. Whether it’s the mascot of a theme park, the studio branding before the big blockbuster movie starts or the emblem of financial institution where you do your banking, logos give us a subconscious idea of what to expect from a business. So if you are creating a logo for the first time or revamping an existing one, these are a few of the things you should know.

What does your logo represent?
A good way to think about what you want from a logo is to look at existing logos and what they seem to say about the business using them. For example, look at the colours, the font, imagery, complexity and style.
For instance, an artisan chocolate brand may use a colour such as silver or white to indicate that is products are high end and handmade, whilst the brand innocent, deliberately uses a simple, childish font to indicate that it’s a fun, playful brand.
Logos also do not necessarily need to literally show what you sell. For example, McDonalds don’t incorporate a burger in their logo and BP don’t feature a petrol pump, yet their logos have a strong association with their business nonetheless.
What you need to consider is what you would like people to associate with YOUR business and then ensure that your logo represents that association.
Get feedback
Before you create a new logo or update an existing logo, it is worth getting feedback to see what people think of your current design. This will make it easier when it comes to making changes that will appeal to your particular target demographic.
Of course, there will be some people who are resistant to any change, especially at first. This is why it also helps to ask questions about what your brand means to your customer, so you can create something that is more likely to appeal to them, even if they are initially reluctant.
Consider the space
When it comes to logos, simpler is often better. It may be worth having two designs, one with a tagline and one without. Any tagline you use should be short and memorable. A good experiment to check this, is to tell three people your tagline and then ask them to repeat it to you the next day. If your tagline can’t be remembered, then you should rethink it.
Simpler logos are often better for printing as well, as they tend to look clearer and are easier to embroider if you want to order T-shirts, hoodies and so forth.
With your company name, having a word on two lines as opposed to two words on one line can also make better use of the logo’s space. It is also worth picturing your logo in the circle or square space of a social media profile image, as this will give you an idea of the space you have available.
How to stand out
A handwritten font can make a logo feel more authentic, especially if you don’t use caps lock. Remember to consider readability, so when you create your logo take a step back and see how recognisable it is from a distance.
A contrast in colour can help as well. The classic example is a bright orange washing up powder box with a darker text for the brand name. \colours help you grab attention, so you should be sure to use them if possible.

Does it all line up?
Once you have all the elements of your logo, you should ensure they all line up in a balanced way. For example, the main icon image on the top or start, a brand name in the middle, perhaps laid out in an interesting way and a tagline underneath.
Logos should not looked cramped and they should be easy to read.
Change over time
When thinking about logos, it is worth remembering that many businesses update their logos to keep up with the times. Logos can evolve, but at the time of creating one, it is still good advice not to adopt a specific design fad, as trends change. Where possible, try keep it as timeless as you can.
We’re here to help
When it comes to designing logos for businesses, Baobab Marketing can help with your graphic design, adapting your logo to fit the needs of your business and your customers. To find out more and to discuss what we can do for you in more detail , get in touch with us today.